Thursday 19 August 2010

Choosing Affiliate Products to Promote - Think About What You Recommend For Best Results

Choosing the people and products you will want to promote as an affiliate must be given ample time and thought. There is just too much going on, in terms of digital and physical products and promotions, to just start recommending everything that comes along. From the very beginning I decided that I would only promote what I had purchased and benefited from myself. I know that single factor has been responsible for much of the success I have had as an affiliate marketer. This is completely up to you, but it just seems that we have much more credibility when we can tell others how we have benefitted from something we are asking them to purchase.

Think about the products, services, and people you have spent money with since coming online. These are the ones to start recommending first. Then, think about the niche you will be serving. You want to make sure the products and services you are an affiliate for are a good match for the people you will be in contact with. Many of the things you can recommend, such as your autoresponder service and the teleseminar recording service, will cross over into many different niches; others will not.

When I know I am going to recommend someone to my list, I begin to let them know more about that person over time. I will mention their name on a teleseminar, write something about them in one of my email messages, or include something about them in one of my short reports. If they have something free to give away to my subscribers, that makes it even easier to introduce them. All of this is for the purpose of making it easier to promote something they have to offer later on. By then, my people feel like this is someone they can trust, and will take the offer more seriously.

Remember that the reason to start an Internet business is to give you the time and financial freedom to live the life you choose. I have found short reports to be the most profitable way to get started online. Download '5 Steps To A Big Profit, Small Report Business' by visiting Short Reports Marketing to learn how to turn 7-15 page reports into a 6 figure information empire and get started right away on your road to Internet marketing success.

Article Source:

Monday 16 August 2010

5 Secrets to Explode Your Affiliate Marketing Income

Do you want to explode your affiliate marketing income? Are you sick and tired of struggling to make money from other people's products? If this sounds like you then you need to know 5 little secrets that can truly explode your affiliate marketing income.

Successful Affiliate Marketers market things they love

Successful affiliate marketing is going to take lots of work. You can make plenty of money from affiliate marketing but you do need to work at it and this means that you should be doing what you enjoy. Many affiliate marketers choose to market internet marketing products just because everyone else appears to be doing it. This is a sure way to fail. Instead think about those things you enjoy and believe in and would find easy to convince others about. Make a list of these things and then do some keyword research into the subjects.

Successful Affiliate Marketers do Extensive Keyword Research

Like all successful internet marketing, successful affiliate marketing is based largely on choosing the correct keywords for your marketing efforts. Once you have made a list of things you love use a keyword research tool such as Wordtracker to study these topics in more depth and find out which of these topics other people are also interested in. You also want to choose keywords where there is not a lot of competition so that your website or articles will rise to the top of the search engine results pages and people find them. Good keywords are those with lots of people searching and relatively little competition.

Successful Affiliate Marketers have their own website

Don't be deceived into thinking that because you are doing affiliate marketing that you don't need a website of your own. The most successful affiliate marketers do have their own website and in particular they have their own opt-in page to create a mailing list so that they can advertise their affiliate products to their own list.

Successful Affiliate Marketers know their niche

Once you have decided on what affiliate products you are going to advertise it is important to take some time to really get to know your target market - hang out in the same forums as they do, join the email groups they belong to and spend as much time as you can learning what they like and what they want. Successful affiliate marketers are experts on their target market and their affiliate marketing success shows the results of this.

Successful Affiliate Marketers treat their Affiliate Marketing as a Business

This may sound obvious to some but unfortunately too often people involved in internet marketing are opportunistic and jump around from opportunity to opportunity or affiliate program to affiliate program and never really work at any of them and hence never really make much money. The successful affiliate marketer knows that affiliate marketing is a business and so will seriously consider the affiliate products they sell and their affiliate marketing efforts and work hard at making a success of their affiliate business.

In conclusion, in order to be successful at affiliate marketing you need to do what you love, do extensive keyword research to find out which products people are looking for and how to approach them. Super affiliate marketers also have their own website and opt-in page to create a list of contact for future affiliate marketing efforts, they know their market and treat their affiliate marketing as a business.

This article was written by Mandy Buchanan. In order to learn more affiliate marketing secrets from Ewen Chia and to get your free gift visit

Article Source:

Sunday 8 August 2010

Are Internet Marketing and Affiliate Marketing the Same?

If you're new to the world of making money online, chances are you have come across the phrases "affiliate marketing" or "internet marketing". The two are very similar, and can actually intertwine with each other, but are actually two different things.

In this article, I will tell you the differences between internet and affiliate marketing, and then show you how to get started with it.

Affiliate Marketing:

Marketing someone else's product. When a sale is made through your affiliate link, a commission is made. You can not do affiliate marketing without internet marketing. This is the easiest form of marketing online, because you don't need your own product, you don't need to get affiliates to promote your product, and you just don't need much. :)

Internet Marketing:

Marketing products or services on the internet. This can be your own product or an affiliate product. You can do internet marketing with our without affiliate marketing. Once you have an idea of how to market on the internet, (and after you've been a successful affiliate marketer) you'll probably want to expand your efforts and create your own product.

How to get started with Affiliate Marketing:

Affiliate marketing can be done in many ways, and really, there is no right way or wrong way to do it. The first step you'll want to take to get started with affiliate marketing is sign up for Clickbank. It's by far one of the biggest affiliate marketing vendors there is. In layman's terms, Clickbank has a huge selection of other peoples products you can chose to promote. Here's the best part- Clickbank only promotes download able products, so your customers will receive the product they purchased immediately. The other best part? Most products pay 50%-75% of the sales, which means your efforts will pay off well.

Once you are signed up with Clickbank, you'll be able to search the marketplace for products you want to promote. To do this:

Log into your Clickbank account, and click on marketplace. (It's at the top). This will take you to a page that will allow you to search products based on keywords. For example, let's say I wanted to promote a product about how to make money online. I would type those words and hit search. This will bring up choices I can chose from.

When searching for a new product to promote, you want to keep some guidelines. The first thing you'll want to look at is what the gravity is (it's abbreviated with grav). Gravity means the number of different affiliates that have made a sale. Very important not to confuse this with the amount of sales that have been made. There is a huge difference: 1 affiliate can actually make many different sales, but the gravity only counts the number of different affiliates. Typically, the higher the number of gravity, the more popular the product is. You know if the number is high, many affiliates have found success with the product. On the other hand, if the number is small, the product is not likely selling, which means you may be wasting your time promoting it.

One thing to watch out for is making sure the products' market is not saturated. An excellent rule of thumb is to pick a product that has a gravity of between 20-50. This way, your competition is not too tough, but you know the product sells.

The next thing you'll want to look at when choosing an affiliate product to promote is the sales page. You can check this from your Clickbank account. Just click on view pitch page. If the sales page looks poorly written, or the graphics don't appeal to you, DON'T market it. If you don't like it, other people won't either. And it's easier to promote a product you would actually buy.

After you have chosen the product you want to promote, the next step is creating your affiliate link. In Clickbank, they call this a hoplink. If you click on create hoplink, a new box will appear. All you have to do is enter your nickname (the name you used to sign up with Clickbank with) and hit enter. Your hop link (affiliate link) is automatically generated for you!

Now that you have your affiliate link, the rest is up to you. You now can place this link everywhere you can on the internet. Many marketers chose to use their own website to promote their affiliate products. When you're just starting out, you don't need your own website. The easiest way to promote an affiliate product is by article marketing. Write a few articles (I recommend at least one a day- the more you write, the more you will make) and put your affiliate link at the bottom, so people who read your article will see your link and click on it. If they buy, you make money!

Post your articles at various article directories, and make sure you read the rules of each article directory. Some don't allow affiliate links. Just do a Google search for article directories, and you'll be well on your way. You can also post your affiliate link in forums (again, make sure you read the rules), advertising websites, the list goes on.

Once you've mastered affiliate marketing, you may want to create your own product. Use the knowledge and experience you have gained from affiliate marketing to then market your own product.

With any luck (and a good article), hopefully you have a better understanding of affiliate marketing and internet marketing! If you would like more information on how to rock it out with affiliate marketing, please visit this page: Google Secret Loophole Review.

For more resources, you can read this article:

Start with Affiliate Marketing

Want to learn a step by step proven affiliate marketing technique? Google Secret Loophole

Article Source:

Saturday 3 July 2010

Online Affiliate Marketing For Home Business

Online affiliate marketing began as a natural outgrowth of the popularity of "linking" to other sites. To put it simply, online affiliate marketing is a time tested strategy for making money online. It is a network of online partners who refer business to your website.

It does not matter whether you have a website that sells a product or a website that has nothing to sell. But by adding online affiliate programs, you can not only add value to your website, but also maximize potential revenue.

Affiliate Programs, they say are the ideal way to make your website profitable.

Online affiliate programs began in the mid - 1990's and are currently a popular way to earn money online. In fact, research shows that affiliate marketing is the most cost-effective way to generate online sales. The concept of revenue sharing paying commission for referred business, predates affiliate marketing and the Internet. The translation of the revenue share principles to mainstream e-commerce happened almost four years after the origination of the World Wide Web in November 1994.

The simplest way is to just introduce your visitors to the business opportunities, products and services that they need, and, make money based on commissions from these sales. In fact, online affiliate marketing is a great work from home business available to anyone with a computer and a desire to run their own affiliate business.

However, there is a catch to affiliate marketing. That is to say over 80% of affiliates never get a check over $100, the 15% get the occasional check and it is the remaining 5% who really get monthly checks of any real size from affiliate programs.

To get started in affiliate marketing, you must know the fundamentals. For which you're going to need an affiliate marketing guide to teach you the basics. Once you've studied the basics and grasped the "idea", I don't think there is any looking back.

Now, there are dozens of books advertised on various websites, making claims of massive earnings that can be achieved easily. Most of these guides are resell rights of other peoples' ideas which are marketed under the marketers' name. Now, there will be a time you may be doing the same thing what they are doing now. This is a natural phase most people go through and isn't that what affiliate marketing is all about!

I am not saying those books are bad. But there are better ones out there. There is The Affiliate Marketers Handbook and the Super Affiliate Handbook. Recently, another book that is drawing much attention, purely because of the number of sales it has generated in such a short time is the Rich Jerk. The name justifies his character and the book in general, doesn't convey much. However, the ideas he has put forward seem to work and as a result the book seems to be on top of the charts. Now what more can you say, but to commend on his niche idea.

You can also look for more such good product(s) and which are in high demand from the ClickBank Mall. Just type "affiliate marketing" or affiliate marketing guides and you would get instant access to loads to such products. Provide them your credit card details and voila! you can instantly download the book of your choice. What more do you want - you have a product with no investment which you can market and make money.

Although most affiliate marketing books are good in their own way, what boils down is to how you implement the knowhow you gained from it practically. Although this may take up some some time, it is to be noted that no books nor any marketing courses can come anywhere close to pure practical experience. Some good affiliate guides are given below in the resources section.

Learning to market on the internet as an affiliate is only step one. If you're serious about online affiliate marketing, then you have to plan and set up a basic affiliate campaign. This is a start to finish campaign to getting started in affiliate marketing. It explains keyword research, finding profitable partners and markets, information on affiliate networks, guides and resources to making money online.

There is relatively an easy way to make a parallel income during the early stages of your online affiliate marketing home business. It can also help you avoid the common mistakes most of us make during that period. I am quoting this from personal experience.

Try and get hold of a FREE Web Page, containing a few successful affiliate programs. There are a few companies that give away such a page so that newbies can get a feel of what affiliate marketing is all about. You can use it and learn how to run an affiliate campaign, at the same time learning the ropes of affiliate marketing. If you market this well, the chances are you will make money. Your main and only job would be to advertise your FREE website, by submitting it to search engines, e-mail it to friends, colleagues and others. If all goes well, within a month or so you shall see some income trickling in.

In addition to that, you also get familiar with search engine marketing, affiliate networks and affiliate directories, and other areas of online affiliate marketing.

Once again, welcome to the world of online affiliate marketing and home business.

Shankar Pandiath is a blogger and an online affiliate marketer Feel free to reprint this article online, as long as you do not make any changes in its content. For more details on this article, CLICK HERE

Article Source:

Saturday 12 June 2010

Affiliate Marketing Secrets, Strategies, and More!

Step-by-step Guide of Affiliate Marketing Strategy

Making money from affiliate marketing is an art. Only writing a great product review or promoting a great product will not work to make any sales from your affiliate links. But you have to do many other things to make money from your affiliate links.

Most of the Blog and website owners think that writing a great product review will work. But this is not enough. You need a perfect Affiliate Marketing Strategy and MUST work on it to generate sales from your links.

Here is a Affiliate Marketing Strategy Model. You can simply print out this page or save it on your desktop.

Step 1: Take Time (10-20 hours or even more) to chose a product to promote and write down a great, unique, and informative product review. This is very important.

Step 2: Become an Affiliate of ClickBank, Amazon, or Commission Junction and generate an affiliate link for your product and put it on your review page and publish it on your website or a blog. Now, suppose if you are not the owner of any website or a blog then it's also perfectly alright. You can post your review on Squidoo, HubPages, WetPaints, and other sites of that nature.

Remember, all we need to do is publish your web page containing your affiliate link anywhere on the web and divert the web traffic towards it.

Step 3: Link Building: This is very important. Your Affiliate link is live now. The only thing you have to do is drive web traffic towards it (the more the better). For this, you have to create and publish the content on other popular websites on the Internet and then put a link of your affiliate page.

Examples are EzineArticles, Squidoo, HubPages, WetPaint, YouTube, Xomba, eHow, WikiHow, Triond, Associated Content, Knol... etc...

Post content having your affiliate link page link on each of the above websites.

Step 4: Social Media: Try Facebook, Orkut, Twitter, Digg, Delicious, StumbleUpon & Reditt to divert more web traffic towards your affiliate links.

Step 5: Now sit back and wait for the web traffic to accelerate. This will probably take 1 week to 15 days to drive web traffic towards your affiliate page. Once the web traffic comes toward your page, you will definitely make money.

This is the Model of Affiliate Marketing Strategy. Nobody will teach you this.

Affiliate Marketing Secrets

Secrets of Successful & Profitable Affiliate Marketing

In fact, after reading this article, you will understand that there is no secret at all. But everything about affiliate marketing revolves around the one basic principle and that is:

"To make money from affiliate marketing, you have to drive more web traffic towards your affiliate links."

The more web traffic you divert towards your affiliate links, the more sales it will generate and the more money you will make. It is this simple. And I believe you should not spend money on those products which claim that they are offering you some kind of secret.

Once you generate an affiliate link on your website or a blog, all you have to do is divert more and more web traffic towards those affiliate links by Twitter, Facebook, Digg, Delicious, StumbleUpon, Reddit, Articles Directories, SEO and many other things.

The more web traffic that you divert towards your affiliate links, the more sales it will generate. There is nothing secret about it. Even a School going Kid can do this to make 6 figure Income every year by following this basic principle.

What is important, is the proper mindset. You have to understand the principle and develop a mind frame and stick to it and prevent this mind frame by eroding from your emotions. That's it. This is all you have to do to make money from affiliate marketing.

You don't have to be a popular product review writer for this. Nor do you need to be the owner of an Authority Blog or a Website. Of course, if you are an owner of a successful blog or a website, it will be easy for you to make money from affiliate marketing because you can leverage your existing reader/customer base.

Thus, these are the secrets of successful affiliate marketing.

Now, Take Action and start making money.

Affiliate Marketing eBooks

Should I Buy Affiliate Marketing eBooks?

You are here on this page probably because you have searched in Google for "Affiliate Marketing eBooks". I am sure that you have already gone through several websites and reviewed lots of books on affiliate marketing. But after watching literally hundreds of dollars of prices of those eBooks, you probably landed on this page.

Don't Worry.... After reading this Article, You won't need to buy any Affiliate Marketing eBooks from the Internet. And Yes, I am giving this Information to you for FREE!

Let me tell you that all of those eBooks are revolving around the one basic core principle. And this Principle of making money from Affiliate marketing will never even change in the near future. And that Principle is:

"The Key of Successful Affiliate Marketing is Web traffic. The more web traffic you divert towards your Affiliate Links from all around the web, Naturally more Sales it will generate and the more money you will make."

Everything about Affiliate marketing ultimately revolves around this simple but very basic principle. You will find literally millions of eBooks on this topic. All of those eBooks are written around this basic principle. So if you understand this basic principle, there is No Need to buy any eBooks.

I have given you the principle of profitable aff. marketing right? So Now, you have to use your mind and figure out "How to Divert more web traffic towards your Affiliate Links?" Lets discuss the example provided below:

Suppose I want to make money from Affiliate marketing so What Will I Do? Well, First of all I go to and chose a product to sell. Well, I advise you to start from Digital Downloadable products first, this is because they are easy to deliver and the commission per sale is very high (20-75%) in these products.

Ok so now I have chosen the product. So the next step is to create an Affiliate Link. So What will I do? Well, I will write a keyword rich Product review having affiliate link and post it on my blog or a website. Or any other social network that we have discussed earlier.

After that process, the affiliate link is on the web. It's live now. So your 50% of the job is complete. The rest of the 50% is to divert the web traffic towards your blog/social network/website page on which you have put the affiliate link.

You can do this several ways.

One is Link Building. There are 2 advantages of link building. One is that they will divert more traffic towards your web page as well as it will increase the search engine rankings of your web page so drive organic (Search engine) traffic.

For this you have to write down and post articles on various 5,6, & 7 Page rank articles directories such as:

- EzineArticles
- Squidoo
- HubPages
- WetPaint
- YouTube
- Xomba
- Triond
- Knol
- eHow

You post articles on the above web directories. This is because Google simply loves and trusts these websites. So if each of these websites direct towards your web page having affiliate links, it will shoot up the page rank and thus more web traffic.

Now, the second way to drive more traffic towards your websites is Social Networking & the third way is Social Media. Here are the examples:

- Facebook
- Orkut
- MySpace
- Digg
- Delicious
- Stumbleupon
- Reddit

In short, you have to use your mind to find out more and more possible ways to divert the web traffic towards your affiliate links. Once you do all of this hard work. Just sit back and enjoy the steady passive income coming into your bank accounts.

Facebook Affiliate Marketing

How to Make Passive Income from Facebook Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing means selling other people's products from your web properties (Blogs & Websites) and getting commission for each sale you make. Many people have asked me: "How they can make money from Facebook Affiliate Marketing?"

Well, As far as I know, there is not any direct method of doing affiliate marketing on Facebook. But let's go to the basics and find out how we use Facebook to do affiliate marketing?

What is the Basic Principle behind Successful Affiliate Marketing?

Well, the basic principle of profitable affiliate marketing is - "The more web traffic you divert towards your Affiliate Links (Web pages having your affiliate links), the more Sales your affiliate links will generate."

This is the basic principle of Affiliate marketing and every theory and techniques of profitable affiliate marketing revolves around this simple basic principle.

Now, here we want to make money from Facebook affiliate marketing. So obviously, we need to find out the ways to divert traffic from facebook to our affiliate links. Is this Possible? Well, Yes. There are several ways by which you can divert the web traffic on Facebook to your affiliate links.

Say for Example, Fan pages, Comments, News Feeds, Facebook applications, Direct Advertising on Facebook... etc...

By these methods, you can easily divert web traffic from Facebook to your own web property having affiliate links. The more web traffic that you divert to your affiliate links, the more sales it will generate and thus the more money you will make.

However, There is only one problem with Social Networking sites traffic and that is the traffic of social networking sites is not a buyer's traffic. They are there on the Social Network for being Social. So making money from Social Network traffic is really a difficult task.

And for Affiliate Links to work, you need the Buyer's Traffic.

Article Source:

Monday 3 May 2010

The Power and Profits of Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is one of the most effective and powerful ways of earning money online. This is an opportunity that gives everybody a chance to make a profit through the Internet.

Affiliate marketing is flourishing and spreading across the internet at an incredibale rate. Some would argue that the future for Affiliate Marketing is as far reaching as that of the internet itself.

Affiliate Marketing is an agreement between a merchant and a website owner. The website owner, or the affiliate, allows the use of their site for the promotion of the merchant's products by linking to the merchant's website.

Affiliate Marketing is selling on behalf of someone else in return for a percentage of the sale. You stock no product, don't need to package or handle, nor do you have the normal business overheads.

Affiliate marketing is often called, "performance-based-marketing", meaning you don't pay the advertiser until they sell something. Affiliate marketing ensures that you only pay when your ad results in a sale.

Affiliate marketing is nothing more than commissioned sales on the Internet. The affiliate is a commissioned salesperson for a specific product or service which he is promoting through online advertising.

Affiliate marketing is a really easy way to get started online. The reason for this is that it is a lot of work to create a product and learn all the skills required to make money online. Affiliate marketing is one of the biggest markets on the internet today.

More so than any other type of business, people are hanging up their traditional nine to five jobs and joining the internet bandwagon. Affiliate Marketing is the fine art of selling other people's stuff online, usually through your own website.

I believe that Affiliate Marketing is the fastest, easiest, and most effective way to break into the Internet Marketing field of business and I also believe it is one of the best Home Businesses you can start.

Affiliate Marketing is simply the art of selling products for a company. It's like being a Car Salesman who works on commission, except as a car salesman - you can't sell just any car (in most cases).

Affiliate Marketing is a way for advertisers to reach potential customers and only pay when a visitor takes some predefined action. Predefined actions range from a sale to registration.

Affiliate marketing is a gamble. That's no secret to affiliates rolling the dice every day on new offers and campaigns.

Affiliate marketing isn't for the weak of heart.If you want to be successful and make money from it, you need determination and motivation. Affiliate marketing is tough. Anyone who tells you different is most likely very very smart, or very very stupid.

Affiliate marketing is really about working with partners to help market or even sell your products. Think of how authors often put the Amazon widget on their blog to sell their book in hopes they get a small residual.

Affiliate marketing is both an effective and powerful way to earn money online. The affiliate marketing programs are easy to join and implement. Affiliate Marketing is the most promising and lucrative business model on the internet.

There are millions of affiliate marketers but there is more than adequate money for everyone out there. Affiliate Marketing is the relationship between website owners and merchants whereby the merchant offers the website owner (affiliate) commission for linking to his/her merchant site.

Affiliates send traffic to the merchant site through these affiliate links and the affiliate is rewarded each time a visitor converts to a sale (CPA) or lead (CPL).

Affiliate Marketing is definitely a system that works. Affiliate marketing is the Home Business model that CAN bring you home business success, without outlaying a cent.

If you have "The Affiliate Guide Book" you will be armed with the information, method and wherewithal to successfully achieve your work from home dream.

Do yourself a favor - DO IT NOW! Affiliate marketing is not easy work but it's is definitely a good way to build a side business that could have the potential to be a full time job.

William Potts is a internet Affiliate and Niche Marketer and the author of Affiliate Performance Secrets. For Affiliate Strategies, Tips and Marketing resources check out:

Thursday 29 April 2010

3 Basic Steps to Getting Started With Affiliate Marketing

Don't have a product to sell? No high-profile company established? Well, you too can make fast money at home using the Internet. And you can get started today, with affiliate marketing. If you've been searching the Internet for ways to make money online, you've almost certainly heard of affiliate marketing as a way to earn cash from home. Affiliate marketing is essentially a revenue sharing model between an affiliate and a merchant. The merchant has the products and services to sell. As an affiliate, you receive a portion or percentage of the sales you generate by promoting the merchants' products.

The model is cost-effective and benefits both the merchant and the affiliate. For one, the merchant gets greater exposure of their products and therefore a higher earning potential as more and more affiliates refer leads to those products. It also saves time, effort and investment into other marketing methods. At the same time, the affiliate benefits from every purchase made by the customers he or she refers to the merchant through their affiliate link. The affiliate receives a commission for those sales, which - with consistent referrals - can add up to a highly profitable income stream.

So, how can you get started with affiliate marketing? Although it may be simple to getting started, follow these three basic steps and you'll be on your way to affiliate marketing success. First, think about what interests you. Is there a particular subject matter or business area that you're passionate about? There are literally thousands of affiliate programs out there and narrowing your focus to a specific area you know or one that you're comfortable with can go a long way to helping you become motivated and bring out the marketer in you - without much effort. When you develop a website to promote the merchants' products and services, you can get more personal and give your site visitors the impression that you're a subject matter expert for those products and services.

Second, seek out merchants with those products and services that pertain to your interests. Most affiliate networks provide good information such as the most profitable and best paying merchants. Be sure you understand the merchants' payment and commission structure and that you're pleased with how much you will be getting paid; then, create a website. Be sure to select a good, descriptive top level domain name and reliable web hosting. The third basic step is to begin promoting - Once you've narrowed your focus, you've selected a merchant with the products or services you would like to promote and created your website, you are ready to start promoting. You can make fast money with affiliate marketing, especially with items highly-priced products that provide hefty commissions. Yes, high-cost products may be a tough sale, but with a good marketing strategy you can drive visitors to the merchant's website and make those sale. Having that good marketing strategy is an entirely different discussion. As you get started, the key is to continue to increase your knowledge by reading articles or books on ways to advertise your affiliate products.

Remember, there is no quick way to success and you will not become rich overnight. Affiliate marketing can be very rewarding, but you must put in hard work, be patient, and persistent. Also, as you develop a methodology for promoting your products and expand your marketing efforts, be creative and always look for ways and ideas to enhance your strategy. Most importantly, do not quit, and you will soon find yourself on the road to affiliate marketing success.

Visit Make Fast Money At Home to learn more about money making affiliate programs for increasing your cash flow and income stream while working from home.

Article Source:

Tuesday 27 April 2010

Is Affiliate Marketing the Right Move For You?

Thousands, if not millions, of online webmasters and marketers are turning to affiliate marketing to earn extra money from the web. Affiliate marketing offers the perfect way for the ordinary person to cash in on the billions of sales made online each year.

But is Affiliate Marketing right for you?

Is it something that you should investigate and pursue further if you truly want to monetize your site or content? As a way of an answer and to get you thinking about affiliate marketing; I would like to offer some of my own experiences as a full-time online affiliate marketer. I would also like to give you some marketing tips and a few pit-falls you should try to avoid.

Truth be told, I didn't plan to become an affiliate marketer. It just happened, mostly by accident, as I was struggling to promote my first site on Internet marketing some 10 years ago now. My original plan was to re-sell some software products with hopes of making my fortune on this new thing called the Internet.

Well, to make a long story short, most things don't quite turn out as we originally plan. Instead of selling my own products, I became much more interested in studying "how to market online" and examining "how marketing systems worked" than actually selling my own stuff. I was much more fascinated in the "nuts & bolts" or "marketing tools" behind these online marketing systems than earning a few pennies.

I was particularly captivated by a new search engine called Google. Yes, there are many marketers around who have been studying Google since it first started. And I believe it was Google and its AdSense Program in particular that sort of legitimized the "whole idea of making money online" for me. I turned my attention to other ways of monetizing my sites, especially with affiliate programs. And the rest as they say is history...

But enough about me, what about you?

Do you have a website? Are you interested in earning extra revenue from your site? Are you trying to earn a full-time income online? More importantly:

Is Affiliate Marketing Right for you?

First, you have to realize Affiliate Marketing is when you promote and sell affiliate products from your site or sites. Actually, selling is not quite the right word because you DON'T actually sell anything from your site. You merely refer or send customers/interested buyers to the affiliate sites you're promoting via your affiliate links.

Believe me, sometimes this concept is very hard to explain to close family and friends. But what do you sell online? You don't have anything to sell? How can you make money?

To repeat, with affiliate marketing you don't sell anything directly online... you send clients and customers to online companies or merchants where they buy stuff and since they're coming from your site's affiliate links you get credit for the sale.

I don't directly sell Dell Computers on my sites, I merely send prospective customers to Dell where they can buy Dell products and since they came from my affiliate links I get credit, plus a small commission in return if they buy something. Same goes for Amazon or hundreds of the other companies and products I promote with my sites.

Now Affiliate Marketing Fits Me to a Tee! Here's why...

You don't handle any sales transactions
You don't handle any delivery of products
You don't have to deal with customer complaints or run customer support
You don't have to manage employees or operate a business
You don't need an office, stock, or any physical products

With Affiliate Marketing all the selling and business operations are done by the company you're promoting. This saves you from a lot of head-aches and problems that arise from running your own company or developing your own products. It's all done for you.

Furthermore, online Affiliate Marketing does have some great advantages:

Your sites and affiliate links are working for you 24/7, 365 days of the year. You earn sales/commissions while you're sleeping, eating, watching TV or doing anything we humans do!
You earn money even when you're on Vacation. This happened to me last year when I went to Florida to see Bruce Springsteen in concert. Unfortunately, a band member died so I didn't get to see Springsteen but I did make more than enough online to pay for my whole trip WHILE I was in Orlando. It was also the first time, I didn't have access to my computer or sites for more than a few days, but they still made me money.
Once you get your affiliate links set-up, they will continue to earn you revenue automatically. All your online marketing can be automated and run from your home office or from anywhere you choose.
Keep in mind, your content and sites keep building and growing. Work you did writing that great article two years ago is still bringing in affiliate sales today.
Plus, with Affiliate Marketing, all your marketing materials (banners, sales copy, videos, ads, links...) are all provided for you by the Affiliate Network or Company.
There's little stress with affiliate marketing mainly because you're your own boss and you can work at home. No office politics or all that foolishness. No commuting. In addition, there is very little capital investment, for a few hundred dollars or much less, you can have a site up and running on the web.

However, Affiliate Marketing does have some real disadvantages:

You can often earn much more if you develop and sell your own products. You're not really getting the highest return on your site's content by selling other people's stuff. The profit margin can be much, much higher if you sell your own products.
There is also the issue of lost commissions and theft of sales, you can never be sure you're getting credit for all your traffic and referrals. In most cases you're not.
Many times there's stiff competition from other affiliates selling the same stuff and using the same marketing materials... although many top affiliates create their own marketing materials so they stand out in a crowded marketplace.

Since I am a full-time online affiliate marketer the benefits far outweighs the few downers associated with this great lifestyle. Mainly because it is just that: a lifestyle rather than a job. I never think of it as a job or working. Maybe, that's because I am my own master, I can work from home and set my own hours. I can take time off, I can go on vacations or I can live anywhere in the world where there's Internet Access and these days that's just about anywhere. The sense of freedom is truly intoxicating to say the least.

If you do find Affiliate Marketing is something that you would like to pursue, even part-time if not full-time, here are some of my best tips for increasing your affiliate income and sales:

Focus your marketing efforts and attention on programs and products which give you recurring or residual income. Make one sale and get paid for years to come.
Develop your own sites and marketing materials so that you stand out from the other affiliate marketers. Create your own unique selling position even if you're not technically selling the products. Give extra bonuses if they buy from your links or site.
Build your own list of customers who are interested in the products you're promoting. Grow your own list, as well as that of the affiliate company you're promoting. You will always have these subscribers and you can promote other similar products to them.
Concentrate on targeting "long tail keywords" with your content and sites; these multi-worded keyword phrases are easy to rank high for and usually have better conversion rates.
Cloak your affiliate links to cut down on affiliate theft. For example, ClickBank has a simple HTML code that will hide your link. Use it.
Internet users and especially shoppers want simple helpful information to make their buying decisions easier. Provide them with valuable information they can use in their task and they will reward you with a sale. Also giving away coupons and online discounts will increase your sales and commissions.
Use the major affiliate networks like Commission Junction, LinkShare, ClickBank, Amazon, Shareasale... I have found these networks very simple to use and very effective. Plus, their checks never bounce!
Keep a close eye on your monthly sales, with many of the companies if you go over $25,000 or $50,000 in sales for the month, you get extra bonus incentives. I have found these can dramatically increase your monthly income so watch your sales stats closely.

If you do find that Affiliate Marketing is right for you, chances are almost 100% certain that you will never regret it. Affiliate marketing offers one of the least stressful ways of earning a living on the planet and the lifestyle can't be beat. Anyone can change their lives with affiliate marketing. I did and you can too!


The author is a full-time affiliate marketer with numerous niche sites - including two sites on Internet Marketing. To further discover if affiliate marketing is right for you, try these links: free internet marketing courses or affiliate marketing guide

Copyright © 2009 Titus Hoskins. This article may be freely distributed if this resource box stays attached.

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Monday 26 April 2010

Can Newbies Make Money With Ewen Chia's Cash Machine?

Make money on line with Affiliate Programs and New Cash Machine. When looking online for a business to work from home, with little to no cash investment a person will almost always run across affiliate programs. These are programs that different companies offer to help promote their products and increase sales, with out costing them anything up front to do it. You essentially become a sales person for that company or that product, your commission depends on you making a sale. This is a legitimate business, it is possible to be a great success with it, but affiliate marketing is not easy. However, Ewen Chia has come up with a program, the Newbie Cash Machine, that he proclaims is what all "newbies" to internet marketing need in order to be successful. The real question is "Can newbies make money with Ewen Chia's Cash Machine?"

Ewen Chia has been in internet marketing for ten years. So there is some credibility to what he has to offer. He further tries to build his credibility by pointing out that there are scams on the market, there are sites that claim to make you rich overnight and he tells you that he is not one of those sites. There is no promise to overnight success, there is a hint though of what could be when he says, "you might see serious cash pretty darn quick." Mr. Chia is also trying to differentiate himself from everyone else by telling you that he is going to actually show you how to run an internet marketing business. His program is the blueprint that you "must have" in order to make the money that you are dreaming of. He teases with the fact that in his equation to success, he has the "secret sauce" recipe that he will only share with you if you buy his program.

His blueprint is in fact the framework that is needed for a successful long-term business, and the plus side of what the Newbie Cash Machine has is that once it is in motion it does not require babysitting. As referenced earlier, making money with affiliate programs can be very profitable, but it is not easy, and it does require work, while the Cash Machine will make it automated so to speak. Ewen Chia stresses that this is about building a business, not just making money.

Ewen Chia's Newbie Cash Machine is so simple to follow that he doesn't know how you will be able to follow the steps and not make money. Again trying to win over the potential buyer with "honesty", he tells you that while other sites are worried that you may take a cut of their money, he is not, there is plenty to go around. We can all agree with that statement, there is plenty of money to be made on the internet and plenty of it to go around. Plus, the point of being a success at your internet marketing is that you are offering something that your competitor is not.

The answer to the question on whether or not a newbie can make money with Ewen Chia's Cash Machine is - probably. A person can make money with Affiliate programs so if the Newbie Cash Machine will help make the process simpler and more automated then you will be able to make money with both the affiliate programs and the Newbie Cash Machine. It is a small investment to make to start your own business, and for those that are already in the business, it is a small risk if it can boost your sales with what you are already doing. Plus Ewen Chia offers a money back guarantee, no questions asked, all he wants you to do is buy it, try it, and make a success story. After all, it won't help his sales if there aren't any success stories for him to boast about.

CW Teo is an expert in personal development. Want To Make Cash From the Internet? This Works Best If You're A Newbie! OnlineWindfallSecrets Click: to download.

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Thursday 22 April 2010

How to Increase Your Affiliate Revenues

The easiest and most proven way to increase your affiliate revenues is through niche marketing. If you are not aware of what niche marketing is then it can be defined as a sub category of a general market. As an example a market could be sports and a sub category of the sports market could be golf. Niche markets are an internet marketers dream as once you find a hot niche market you have found a market where you can generate a steady stream of solid affiliate revenues. To be a niche market it needs to be a very specific market. A broad market could be Golf, a niche within the golf market may be golf drivers. If you get a visitor to your site then you have a very targeted visitor who is most likely ready to buy from you. Anybody who visits your site is looking for a golf driver and is most likely looking to buy a driver from you. The trick is to find a niche market, promote your product and generate solid incomes.

There are many ways to find niche markets where there may be an eager list of buyers. Marketers use many different techniques including reviewing newspapers and magazines to see what the headlines are and to see if there are any niche market opportunities within the headlines. There is another and some would say an easier way to carry out this research and that way is by making use of eBay. eBay is a good resource for the affiliate marketer. You can gather a lot of information via eBay on what markets are hot and if they are hot on eBay then they are hot for affiliate marketers. If you visit the home page of eBay you can quickly identify what the most visited categories are. These most visited categories are the areas of most interest to eBay clients. Once you have identified these big search areas then check the sub categories, you are now drilling down into the available niche markets.

You now need to check the volumes of sales in your niche category and look for the niche that will be profitable to you. How do you do this? Firstly check for a niche which has a high level of bidders. This shows that you have found an active niche. You then need to take a view on the number of items for sale. If the number of items on sale is below 500 then you have discovered a niche with many buyers but not that many products for sale. This is a niche you should promote your product in and hopefully will be a niche that generates a steady income for you.

Brian E McClelland
If you want to find out more about identifying and selling into Niche Markets then check out

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Wednesday 21 April 2010

Make an Incredible Income With Affiliate Marketing!

The Internet has been making more people rich in the last 20 years or so than any other business platform on the planet. It's truly extraordinary how easy it is to make money online using affiliate marketing. What is affiliate marketing you ask? The short answer is it is using you (called an affiliate) as the marketing vehicle for the millions of products out there that need buyers.

As an affiliate marketer you are essentially a salesman selling great products that you believe in or have an interest in (you can choose from literally millions of affiliate products), but there are no conventional "sales" jobs involved in selling them.

Select A Product

The first step is to select a product to promote from literally millions of products and services that exist on the Internet. There are usually 2 types of affiliate programs with similar yet different concepts. Both concepts are designed to make affiliate sales but how you get there is a little different for each.

Affiliate Program Concepts

Which one is best? They both have their place in the online marketing arena. Each affiliate needs to make that decision for themselves as to which concept serves their needs the best ... The one common thread both concepts have is you will need to join whichever program you choose by providing identifying information as to who you are (name, address, email, social security number, etc.) and how you want to be paid (mailed check, direct deposit, PayPal, some programs may offer others too).

Your affiliate link is how you get paid (make a commission) for referring potential buyers to the product website. By using your affiliate link for referrals, the product website then knows which affiliate has sent the buyer to the website. If the potential buyer does in fact purchase a product from that referral, the sale is tracked and credited to the referring affiliate.

The first concept is you have a single product or service where that one item is offered by itself. Usually the author or a reseller (someone who has the rights granted by the product owner to sell the product themselves) offers an affiliate program for the product. To become an affiliate you will need to join and be assigned a unique affiliate link and password to your account. The link will both identify you as an affiliate for that product and also identify which affiliate you are so they know who to pay for a sale. You will need to keep track of what affiliate link goes with each product you sign up for as each product will have a different affiliate link.

The second concept is having one affiliate program wrapped around numerous individual products and/or services. This type of affiliate program has numerous advantages over the single product program:

Only one account for all commissions to accumulate (this is a huge advantage as you will see a little later)
One account, one password to keep track of for numerous products and services
Numerous products and services to promote with one account
New products are added regularly into the one account
High volume activity and usually a support staff exists which provides quicker support responses
No need to worry about getting paid. These sites exist by keeping their affiliates happy. This may or may not be the case for an individual running an affiliate program

"Down Side" to Affiliate Programs

There are couple of "down side" points to make about affiliate marketing. Payments for credited referral sales (earned commissions) are usually not paid right away. There are good reasons for this practice by those running affiliate programs:

When a sale is made at a website, the buyer is usually given a money-back guarantee period of time, usually 30 days, to use and evaluate the product to make sure it meets the users needs. If the buyer requests a refund of the purchase, then the affiliate also loses their commission for the sale. Payments to the affiliate are usually delayed until after the refund period has expired so the product owner is not "left holding the bag" for already paying a commission on a sale that has now been refunded.
Commissions are usually paid on a regular payment cycle, normally monthly. What you earn in one payment cycle is usually not paid until the next payment cycle. This way all commission payments can be handled at one time and is not a full time job paying daily or even weekly.

The main "down side" to affiliate marketing is that most, if not all, affiliate programs set a minimum dollar amount you must reach in commissions before they will cut you a payment. This usually ranges from $20 - $50 or more in some cases. Breaking this down in simple, easy to understand terms is best served by an example.

Say for example you sign up for an affiliate program that has a $30 minimum payout level and the product sells for $49 with a 50% commission. You do all of your work and generate a sale from your affiliate link. OK, you have made a $24.50 commission (it will actually be a little less as you are paid on the net sale, after all processing expenses are paid) ... You get that paid to you on the next payment cycle, right? Not exactly ... You see, your commission does not reach the $30 minimum payout the program sets before they will incur the expense of cutting you a payment.

So what now? Well, you have to wait until you make another sale to get you over the minimum before you get your commission on the first sale. This could actually carry over for months before you actually get paid. In some case, you may never reach the minimum if you do not make more than one sale. In that case, your commission remains in "limbo" forever.

And to make matters worse, this minimum payout level applies to each individual product for which you are an affiliate. Different products are owned by different people and the earned commissions for all products do NOT accumulate to get you over any minimum payout level.

Any minimum payout level problem is solved when using affiliate sites instead of individual affiliate programs (this is the huge advantage referenced earlier). Each sale you make under the umbrella of the affiliate site is accumulated into one qualifying pool so you only have to make cumulative commissions to meet the minimum payout level to get paid.

To qualify for your commissions, you could make sales of 2 different products and the earned commissions from both are combined for you to reach the minimum payout level. Yes, this is huge ... Instead of having 10 different sales individually setting in 10 different affiliate programs, none of which meet the minimum for you to get paid, now you have those 10 sales commissions added together to get you over the minimum payout level and now you get paid for all 10. I hope you see the huge advantage the umbrella type of affiliate programs offer.

How To Get Your Affiliate Link Online

The beauty of affiliate marketing is that unlike a salesman in the real world, you are not trying to convince anyone of anything. You just register a domain (which is recommended but not required) and put up a product review minisite, a one page website that describes and promotes all the features and benefits of the product being promoted.

Although a product review site is recommended for the best results, it does require that you do have some web space on the Internet. Hosting accounts are available for just a few dollars a month so this should be within anyone's reach that has a true desire to be an affiliate. Many review sites can be placed on one hosting account. In fact you could well have thousands of review sites on one hosting account.

If you do not want to create product review sites, there are alternatives. Some affiliate sites offer you pre-made products and websites and are available for free for your use if you join their affiliate program.

Promoting Your Product

The seller in essence does all the conversion work; you just have to send targeted traffic to the sales page.

Here are a few ways to promote your affiliate link:

Article Marketing: Write an article describing the features and benefits of the product
eMail Marketing: Use your article as an advertisement in ezines or mailing lists
Classified Ads: These are available all over the Internet for free
Pay Per Click Marketing: Choose the best place for your ads
Many of the larger affiliate sites offer training and promotional materials for your use for free

You are only limited by your imagination on how to market your affiliate link. Be creative. Step "outside the box" and create a new way that works for you. You can also research Online Marketing by searching the Internet. Online Marketing is a huge field and there are tons of informational products already written on the subject. Take advantage of that and you are on your way to financial freedom.

Making Money

Affiliate marketing is all about making money for both parties and often the commissions on sales (buyers you send to the site through your affiliate link) are 50% or higher! Some of the better affiliate programs pay as high as an 80% commission on every sale you make.

Although the product owner handles the product delivery, customer service and virtually everything else beyond your referring targeted potential buyers to them, including overhead, you get paid the same amount if not more as they do on the sale! Your only overhead is your domain (usually under $10 a year) and web space (a few dollars per month) if you decide to do review sites.

You can use the many free advertising venues such as online classified ads, article submission sites and more to refer traffic to your affiliate link site, however you would be missing out on building a much higher income potential because you would not be able to push these articles up in the search engine rankings as easily as if you had a domain. Getting traffic from search engines is the gold mine of affiliate marketing!

Thank you for your time and interest in learning more about affiliate marketing. Choose your affiliate programs and products carefully and wisely. We hope we have provided some insight into what to expect if you decide to enter the affiliate marketing arena. We wish you the best in planning your strategies and implementing your plan.

Just remember, if you keep doing what you are doing now, you can expect to keep getting the same results. We urge you to challenge yourself, move off your comfort zone and try something new. It can be very rewarding both in satisfaction and financially...

You do not have to want to become a full time marketer to enjoy affiliate marketing. Use it for a little extra Christmas money or to put a little spending money in your pocket you can just blow on something you have been wanting.

Step "outside the box" and give it your best shot.

All of the affiliate program features mentioned in this article (and many, many more) are available at the Affiliate Success For Life website. We provide hundreds of products for affiliates to choose from in over 150+ categories. Pick one, pick them all. They are sitting there waiting for you to join us and begin or expand your affiliate marketing with a top-notch affiliate provider. We add products regularly as well as a continually expanding list of features such as pre-made websites, training, ad tracking, affiliate discounts, a product storefront and free promotional resources. Optional add on features such as add your picture, pay per click advertising and promotional ad writing. We have a unique and different program that we challenge you to find anywhere else on the Internet. We will even compensate you for writing promotional ads if you are so inclined or post your testimonial to our home page for some free advertising for you. We encourage our affiliates to offer suggestions on how to make things better for everyone ... and yes, we do listen. Come by and give us a try, we think you will like what you find...

Dean Brenner is the author, webmaster and owner of the Affiliate Success For Life website, a member of the BWS Group Family of Websites which consists of over 1000+ individual digital product, software, custom and proprietary websites and monetized blogs. He has been in the web development and consulting arena since 1984, both in the corporate and private sectors, building and/or maintaining all kinds of database driven and dynamically created websites for corporations as well as private companies and individuals using Microsoft development tools on the Windows platform. He is now self employed and works privately in development and consulting from his home office.

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Sunday 18 April 2010

Affiliate Marketing - A Way to Make Money Online

Making money online using Affiliate marketing is not a difficult task; yet running a successful Affiliate marketing business can be a tad more difficult. There are tremendous amounts of individuals that have an affiliate business online nevertheless most are not having any "luck" at all. To be a success in any venture, Affiliate Marketing included, one needs to follow some basic guidelines.

Before you can run a successful business, you will need the necessary knowledge.It's like someone do not become a mechanic or brain surgeon without the necessary training, the same principle applies to an online business. You need to know the industry you engage yourself in. You might have heard "Start an affiliate business in the niche you are passionate about." That is said for a good reason; starting in a known niche gave you a head start since you already have some experience in that niche and know how the market will react. Still you can run a successful online business in any niche granted that you take the time to gather some background information before you venture in.

Every successful affiliates are well organized individuals. They started with a quality business and marketing plan in place. You should too. A well thought plan will allow you to stay on track as days go by. Ever try to go on a trip but not knowing where you are going? Your business plan set the stage for how successful your business will be and your marketing plan will guide you on how to grow your company. Get your plan ready to succeed online.

No body is a know it all. So in time that you are stuck, ask for help. Forget your ego or "what would they say". Ask for help when you need it. This is a mind set that will take you business to new high. When you approach someone for help you are also expanding you business contacts. Think about it if you do not ask for help the problem you are having will last longer and will set back your business. If you ask someone's assistance and he decline to help you, just move on and ask someone else. You will eventually find someone that will be willing to assist you

Do not be a jack of all trade. You know the saying "Jack of all trade master of none" Every one is good at something, once you know your strength focus on that aspect and let others do what they are good at. An example is you will focus on your marketing and let a graphic designer designed the graphic for your website.

You don not have to have a Master to have a successful Affiliate Marketing plan, in other word do not reinvent the wheel. Follow an already proven plan. There are some quite good free one out there. You just need to make a search with Google and pick one from a reputable "guru". Do your due diligence.

By following these above guideline you will be ahead of the crowd and on your way to a successful business. Remember any body can make money on line, however to became successful in Affiliate Marketing you will need guidance, perseverance and determination.

Get more information about Affiliate Marketing and see what Jaun d'Argent is doing, Click here now ==>

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Saturday 17 April 2010

Affilate Marketing - Make Money Online Fast

There is no doubt, the fastest and easiest way of making money online is via affiliate marketing. An affiliate can make anywhere from 5% up to 80% (of the product cost) per successful sale. Affiliate marketing could be defined as an internet-based pay-for-performance system in which an "affiliate" partner web site is compensated for driving qualified leads or sales to a "merchant" web site.

How Affiliate Marketing Works?

Firstly you need to set up a clickbank account (the one-stop shop for any affiliate) at Next you need to browse the marketplace for a product that you wish to promote, and ideally have some knowledge or experience with. Once you have selected your desired product/s you are given a 'hop link' which is essentially a unique link which will connect your customers to the merchant's sales page, and therein credit your clickbank account with the appropriate commission. Finally you set up a product review page on your website promoting and reviewing the products.

Why Use Affiliate Marketing? Two words: Fast, Easy.

If you select the products that sell well (there are various statistics provided for you on clickbank) you are half way there. All you are providing via your website is a 'portal' to direct customers to a very well designed sales page. You do not need to put in loads of work- sure its going to help if your website looks professional and you provide honest and enticing information on the products, but product selection is far more important. Well established products will also provide you with an array of tools: images, catch phrases, testimonials etc which you can simply paste into your site.

Mistakes to avoid in Affiliate Marketing!

1) Choosing the wrong affiliate

Having said it is important to take in the statistical data provided by clickbank, one should not solely base their decision of choosing an affiliate on its popularity and percentage commission. If you do not have an interest in the product there is no point. If you exude a certain amount of enthusiasm and belief in your product, this will be brought out on your site and more likely attract buying customers.

2) Not purchasing the affiliate product

I can hear many of you groaning now at the sight of this, but honestly how are you going to be able to promote what you are selling without knowing what it can do. This is the most common pitfall, and customers will be more likely to buy if you can provide an honest, personal testimonial.

3) Rushing in and promoting too many products

When one starts in affiliate marketing, there is definitely a sense of urgency to promote as many products as possible simultaneously. This is not the best approach however. It has been proven statistically that if you concentrate on just a few products to start with, learn which product sells best and focus your attentions on that, you will be more likely to build up momentum with your earnings. There is no rush- you need to develop the correct techniques before applying them across the board.

Paul Korber is an experienced internet marketer, and writes on internet marketing for beginners.

To learn more please visit:

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