Sunday 8 August 2010

Are Internet Marketing and Affiliate Marketing the Same?

If you're new to the world of making money online, chances are you have come across the phrases "affiliate marketing" or "internet marketing". The two are very similar, and can actually intertwine with each other, but are actually two different things.

In this article, I will tell you the differences between internet and affiliate marketing, and then show you how to get started with it.

Affiliate Marketing:

Marketing someone else's product. When a sale is made through your affiliate link, a commission is made. You can not do affiliate marketing without internet marketing. This is the easiest form of marketing online, because you don't need your own product, you don't need to get affiliates to promote your product, and you just don't need much. :)

Internet Marketing:

Marketing products or services on the internet. This can be your own product or an affiliate product. You can do internet marketing with our without affiliate marketing. Once you have an idea of how to market on the internet, (and after you've been a successful affiliate marketer) you'll probably want to expand your efforts and create your own product.

How to get started with Affiliate Marketing:

Affiliate marketing can be done in many ways, and really, there is no right way or wrong way to do it. The first step you'll want to take to get started with affiliate marketing is sign up for Clickbank. It's by far one of the biggest affiliate marketing vendors there is. In layman's terms, Clickbank has a huge selection of other peoples products you can chose to promote. Here's the best part- Clickbank only promotes download able products, so your customers will receive the product they purchased immediately. The other best part? Most products pay 50%-75% of the sales, which means your efforts will pay off well.

Once you are signed up with Clickbank, you'll be able to search the marketplace for products you want to promote. To do this:

Log into your Clickbank account, and click on marketplace. (It's at the top). This will take you to a page that will allow you to search products based on keywords. For example, let's say I wanted to promote a product about how to make money online. I would type those words and hit search. This will bring up choices I can chose from.

When searching for a new product to promote, you want to keep some guidelines. The first thing you'll want to look at is what the gravity is (it's abbreviated with grav). Gravity means the number of different affiliates that have made a sale. Very important not to confuse this with the amount of sales that have been made. There is a huge difference: 1 affiliate can actually make many different sales, but the gravity only counts the number of different affiliates. Typically, the higher the number of gravity, the more popular the product is. You know if the number is high, many affiliates have found success with the product. On the other hand, if the number is small, the product is not likely selling, which means you may be wasting your time promoting it.

One thing to watch out for is making sure the products' market is not saturated. An excellent rule of thumb is to pick a product that has a gravity of between 20-50. This way, your competition is not too tough, but you know the product sells.

The next thing you'll want to look at when choosing an affiliate product to promote is the sales page. You can check this from your Clickbank account. Just click on view pitch page. If the sales page looks poorly written, or the graphics don't appeal to you, DON'T market it. If you don't like it, other people won't either. And it's easier to promote a product you would actually buy.

After you have chosen the product you want to promote, the next step is creating your affiliate link. In Clickbank, they call this a hoplink. If you click on create hoplink, a new box will appear. All you have to do is enter your nickname (the name you used to sign up with Clickbank with) and hit enter. Your hop link (affiliate link) is automatically generated for you!

Now that you have your affiliate link, the rest is up to you. You now can place this link everywhere you can on the internet. Many marketers chose to use their own website to promote their affiliate products. When you're just starting out, you don't need your own website. The easiest way to promote an affiliate product is by article marketing. Write a few articles (I recommend at least one a day- the more you write, the more you will make) and put your affiliate link at the bottom, so people who read your article will see your link and click on it. If they buy, you make money!

Post your articles at various article directories, and make sure you read the rules of each article directory. Some don't allow affiliate links. Just do a Google search for article directories, and you'll be well on your way. You can also post your affiliate link in forums (again, make sure you read the rules), advertising websites, the list goes on.

Once you've mastered affiliate marketing, you may want to create your own product. Use the knowledge and experience you have gained from affiliate marketing to then market your own product.

With any luck (and a good article), hopefully you have a better understanding of affiliate marketing and internet marketing! If you would like more information on how to rock it out with affiliate marketing, please visit this page: Google Secret Loophole Review.

For more resources, you can read this article:

Start with Affiliate Marketing

Want to learn a step by step proven affiliate marketing technique? Google Secret Loophole

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