Thursday 19 August 2010

Choosing Affiliate Products to Promote - Think About What You Recommend For Best Results

Choosing the people and products you will want to promote as an affiliate must be given ample time and thought. There is just too much going on, in terms of digital and physical products and promotions, to just start recommending everything that comes along. From the very beginning I decided that I would only promote what I had purchased and benefited from myself. I know that single factor has been responsible for much of the success I have had as an affiliate marketer. This is completely up to you, but it just seems that we have much more credibility when we can tell others how we have benefitted from something we are asking them to purchase.

Think about the products, services, and people you have spent money with since coming online. These are the ones to start recommending first. Then, think about the niche you will be serving. You want to make sure the products and services you are an affiliate for are a good match for the people you will be in contact with. Many of the things you can recommend, such as your autoresponder service and the teleseminar recording service, will cross over into many different niches; others will not.

When I know I am going to recommend someone to my list, I begin to let them know more about that person over time. I will mention their name on a teleseminar, write something about them in one of my email messages, or include something about them in one of my short reports. If they have something free to give away to my subscribers, that makes it even easier to introduce them. All of this is for the purpose of making it easier to promote something they have to offer later on. By then, my people feel like this is someone they can trust, and will take the offer more seriously.

Remember that the reason to start an Internet business is to give you the time and financial freedom to live the life you choose. I have found short reports to be the most profitable way to get started online. Download '5 Steps To A Big Profit, Small Report Business' by visiting Short Reports Marketing to learn how to turn 7-15 page reports into a 6 figure information empire and get started right away on your road to Internet marketing success.

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